I first met yoga while I was in a deep and long relationship with dance. It started as a flirt. I was fully committed to the hard work in the dance world and yoga became the place where I could find peace in the body and in the mind. It’s as if I found that internal process I was seeking for all those years in dance. The continues research of the body and mind in its deepest forms exposed my true creativity via the yoga practice.
The practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa helped me to recover from many years of incorrect work with my body, including two knee surgeries.
In my MSc Dance Science degree thesis I conducted a research of the effects of Ashtanga Yoga on dancers in terms of breath and movement.
I did my teacher training with Paul Dallaghan in Koh Samui, Thailand. I continue to learn and develop in the world of yoga. I take part in workshops in Israel and in the world with important teachers such as Richard Freeman, Maty Ezraty, Kino MacGregor and Sharath in Mysore. My main learning and development comes from my daily practice, from the intelligent Ashtanga system and from my students. I thank all my teachers and students.
As a young teacher, I found myself teaching in “Yoga in Gan Hachashmal”. When Nili, the owner of the studio asked me to teach in her studio, it was like a dream come true. “Gan Hachashmal” felt like home to me, a place where I could grow in. Thank you Nili. When they decided to close the studio, I felt that the right thing for me and my students was to open a studio in this beautiful inspiring studio. Guy, My partner and I opened our studio “Yoga Levontin” in May 2012, 5 days before I gave birth to our boy, Or.